News: The Cameron Project – a Befriending Service for Forres Area

Forres Area Community Trust, FACT, are inviting applications to become a ‘Cameron Champion’ as a part of their befriending service for the over 50’s. Led by Project Coordinator Kirsty Williams, the Older Person’s project is currently setting up a new Befriending Service for the Forres area and will soon be releasing an updated version of the Forres Area Older Person’s Directory.

The Cameron Project is a local project, set up for the benefit of Older People, over the age of 50, living in the Forres community.  Befriending and supporting Older People is a rewarding role which can be as beneficial to you as it is to the Older People in our community.  It can increase your confidence and develop your own skills and experience, giving you valuable transferrable skills for future employment.

If you would like to become involved please contact Kirsty directly at:

There is a launch event on Wednesday 6th September at the Forres FACT office, 2pm-4pm.

Here are all the forms and further information:

CC Info, front cover

Cameron Project referral,assess form

Cameron’s Champion Application

Cameron’s Champion Role Description

Forres Online Volunteer Application Form 2

Intro letter

Person Spec,Cameron’s Champion

Self Declaration form

What happens next