NEWS: Healthcare Improvement Scotland are recruiting; Consultant to support the Early Intervention in Psychosis Advisory Group, must have lived experience, closing date 9th November

Do you have lived experience of psychosis and can work as a consultant to the Early Intervention in Psychosis Advisory Group?
Mental Health Foundation have been in touch with us and they are looking to hear from you; Please let anyone you know that may have interest in this exciting opportunity:

Seeking a consultant who can support the Early Intervention in Psychosis Advisory Group

Healthcare Improvement Scotland, in partnership with a range of organisations is leading a project which is seeking a consultant to Co-chair the Early Intervention in Psychosis Advisory Group. The consultant will be required to have lived experience of psychosis. Please see attached process for consultants who wish to take on this role, and terms of reference for the group.

seeking consultant formwm v0.2AM_ (final

group terms of reference

For more information contact Wendy by the 9th November with interviews planned for the 12thNovember. Responses should be sent to: