NEWS: Suicide Prevention Week – Resources Reminder

MWH Admin TeamNews

Here’s a reminder of the various resources available, following Suicide Prevention Week 2022

Concerned about your own challenging thoughts or want to be prepared to support someone you care about? Download the Prevent Suicide North-East app FREE, which includes all the support links you need, including how to create a safe plan.

If you need URGENT support or assistance please follow this link to find out what is available locally.

For less urgent information on the types of support available in Moray visit our Discover Pathways to Wellbeing in Moray online tool.

If you would like to enter a Creative Competition to help design materials that create hope, find the details HERE (all ages encouraged)

Share your views by filling out the Moray Suicide Prevention Survey as a community member or for your group , workplace or organisation. Two versions exist – HERE for Google Forms version or for the MS Forms version HERE

Moray Wellbeing Hub are delivering the Suicide Prevention Skills Training (SiPP) workshop, on Monday 12th September in Findhorn, and Thursday 15th September in Buckie.

Discover Pathways to Wellbeing can be found here and includes a feedback link to share your thoughts for improvement. Hard copies of the tool and posters can be sent to any community, school, or individual on request by email.

SAMH’s 5 Ways to Better Wellbeing leaflet; Understanding Mental Health Problems; and Suicide…Living With Your Thoughts resources, have been translated into Polish, Punjabi (Gurmukhi) and Urdu (Urdish).

You can find more mental health information publications and local mental health support on our SAMH Information Service pages



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