NEWS: Making Recovery Real March Partnership Meeting

MWH Admin TeamNews

Translating the Moray Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy (Good Mental Health for all in Moray 2016 – 2026) into action, the Making Recovery Real Partnership is designed to be a meaningful and mutual balance of lived experience and professional expertise.

During March’s Making Recovery Real Partnership Meeting, we welcomed 2 new members to the partnership Lewis Walker, Clinical Lead HSC Moray and Iain Macdonald, Locality Manager for Forres & Lossiemouth.

It was lovely to welcome new partners. We also wished Pamela Cremin, Integrated Service Manager for Mental Health Services, all the best on her new and exciting secondment to NHS Highland.

The latest Minutes have been uploaded onto our website. To find out what partners and services are up to and to have a read please follow this link Making Recovery Real – Moray Wellbeing Hub

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