CAMPAIGN: Edinburgh Napier University seeking folk with experience of mental health tribunals for an independent study

Edinburgh Napier University – School of Health and Social Care are in the process of recruiting participants for a research project ‘The Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland: the Views and Experiences of Patients, Named Persons, Practitioners, and Tribunal Members’.

This is an independent study being undertaken by a project team from the Centre for Mental Health and Capacity Law at Edinburgh Napier University and from Queen’s University Belfast. The project team are Professor Jill Stavert (Principal Investigator), Professor Michael Brown, and Ms Aimee McDonald.

This research aims to find out whether the Tribunal’s practices are seen as operating in line with human rights standards and the principles of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003.

They are currently looking to speak to individuals who have had a mental health tribunal hearing, as well as named persons.

Information at a quick glance can be seen here easy read information sheet final

More detailed information can be found here information sheet – individuals. V5

Please get in touch with them directly if you have any questions about the project or if you are able to provide any help in recruiting participants.