News: Moray’s 1st Responce phone number now freephone


Our local partners, the Moray Mental Health & Wellness Centre based in Batchen Street in Elgin, have recently updated their 1st response service to a freephone number.

You can download a flyer about the service they offer here and about 1st response here.

more information about options for mental health in Moray is on the Pathways website.

Information about the Moray Mental Health and Wellness Centre:

If you are concerned about your mental health and wellbeing, come and talk to us about how we can support you in a way that’s right for you. We can offer a range of services to support you on your unique recovery journey.

Many of our Practitioners have their own personal lived experience of successfully recovering from mental ill health. They can use their unique insight to understand your frustrations and share tips and techniques to use your existing strengths. We can provide you with information and help you to discover and connect with resources, amenities and organisations within your local community.

1st responce service:

If you are feeling overwhelmed, experiencing emotional distress or are finding it hard to cope, then contact the Mental Health & Wellness Centre.
1st Response can provide short term support when you feel you need it. You will receive sensitive and non-judgmental support, information and signposting. Recovery Practitioners will listen to you and work
with you to find ways to manage your current situation and plan for your own next steps.

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