Event: SRN Regional Network Event for North of Scotland, 11th December

MWH Admin TeamEvent

The Scottish Recovery Network, SRN, are holding their first ever Regional Network Event for the North of Scotland. The event will be held on:

Monday 11th December


Aberdeen Citadel (Salvation Army),

28 Castle St, Aberdeen AB11 5BG.

This venue is close to both the bus and train station – see map in invite doc attached.

11am – 3.30pm

This is a free event and lunch will be provided.

If you live / work in the North of Scotland (Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Highlands, Western Isles, Orkney or Shetland) and would like to be part of Network of individuals who share an interest in lived experience and wellbeing they’d love to see you there.

The aim of the Network is to provide a platform to explore, discover, share and learn together in the context of our own wellbeing and lived experiences. They will look at ways to use these experiences to support ourselves, others and create change on a local, regional and national level.

The theme of this event will be ‘growth’ and will explore this through conversation and workshops.

Given the vast geography of the North of Scotland another event will be held in Inverness at the beginning of February (details of this event will follow later in the year). Anyone is welcome to each of the events and the aim of having two is to maximise the option for people to participate.


The SRN are really keen to have as many people involved as possible and are looking forward to meeting you. If you would like to attend please complete the attached Registration Form and return to info@scottishrecovery.net

Please return by Tuesday 28th November 2017

They are planning for up to 60 people so if there are more applications than places we may need to allocate places;

  • Organisations with a number of people applying will be given a reasonable allocation of places to decide who attends
  • By date of application


The SRN are committed to ensuring that people have equal access to events and will provide reasonable travel expenses. Please see the attached SRN Expenses Policy for information. They would expect people working to be supported by their employer to attend.

Invitation Document

Non-Staff Expense Claim Form

Registration Form

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