NEWS: Caring, connected communities and Highland and Island Connections Project

MWH Admin TeamNews

Looking for inspiration for projects that connect people and boost mental health? This great project in the Highlands and Islands is a brilliant place to start.


The Highlands and Island Connections project by Support in Mind.

The project was aimed at finding out more about mental health in rural Scotland, where resources were diminishing and services were being relocated or lost completely. This project resulted in Caring, connected communities an inspiring story of what local communities can achieve when connections are nurtured, where people are trusted and enabled to find their own solutions to the issues they face.

“What stands out is that whilst services matter, community matters much more. The connection between wellbeing and the place where we live is widely accepted and understood, but unless we understand the whole range of unique, dynamic and complex issues that drive a community, and the people who live in that community, we may be able to change and improve services, but we will never really transform people’s lives.”


Have a look at the project film here. Or to read the full report, click here.


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