Activity: Nature 4 Health, Nature Tours October to December 2019

MWH Admin TeamNews

Nature 4 Health are heading out for some fun Nature Tours during October, November and December including heading to the fossil beaches of Brora in search of some of the many different fossils that can be found there including belemnites and even ammonites.  A great start to a super regular programme of events.

A new adventure for Nature 4 Health that takes the benefits of Nature Walks out of the city to other beautiful green spaces in the Highlands. Traveling by minibus to visit fossil sites, amazing beaches, forests, hills and beyond. Kelly kettle tea and cake will all be part of the days out but please take a packed lunch. Spaces will be limited to eleven participants per trip therefore booking is essential.

There will be two outings each month, meeting at 10am and finishing by 4pm in Inverness. Check out the dates and destinations and contact or call 01667 459400 to enquire/book.

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