Activity: Community Engagement Event – Elgin Youth Café, Monday 17th September, 10am-3pm

MWH Admin TeamNews

The Elgin Youth Café is hosting an all day event with the Scottish Parliament Outreach Services on Monday 17th September, focusing on supporting community engagement and how this can be used to tackle climate change

Stewart Stevenson MSP (Banffshire and Buchan Coast) will be attending, so this is real chance to influence change!

Your Scottish Parliament – Supporting Engagement

Ever wanted to have more of a say on what happens at the Scottish Parliament but didn’t quite know how?

A good start could be to come and meet one of the Parliament’s Community Outreach Officers on Monday 17th September. Ewan Masson from Outreach Services at the Scottish Parliament is holding an informal, interactive session in Elgin Youth Café from 10am to 12pm looking at how the Parliament works, the role of the committees, and how to ensure that people can have their say on the issues that affect their lives.

This will be followed by:

My Climate Changes – Community Engagement

What behaviours do we need to change to help reduce greenhouse gases?

What do we think people will realistically commit to?

Are these 2 things the same?

These are the sorts of questions that the Scottish Parliament wants to ask during this afternoon session in Elgin on Monday 17th September.

The Scottish Government is proposing more ambitious targets for the reduction of greenhouse gases and has published the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill to the Scottish Parliament.

The Environment, Climate Change & Land Reform (ECCLR) Committee now has to scrutinise this Bill in order for it to progress through Parliament. As part of that Scrutiny it is exploring these questions with the public through social media via the hashtag #myclimatechanges and through a number of informal community events such as this one in Elgin.

This informal workshop aims to hear views from members of the public about how they may be affected by the Bill, and how it might encourage and impact on our behaviours to reduce greenhouse gases.

Attendees are welcome to book for either the full day or choose from either the morning or afternoon sessions and lunch. The event is free but you must book a place.

Register here: My Climate Changes – Community Engagement Registration

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