Resources : SRN eupdate links, February.

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The Scottish Recovery Network have a monthly eUpdate that has some very interesting and relevant articles, this month this also includes one from Moray local Alasdair Taylor.

How nature can support recovery and wellbeing

Alasdair Taylor is an Ecotherapy Practitioner and Executive Director of Earth for Life. Here he tells us about ecotherapy and the positive impact it can have on wellbeing

Exploring the culture of psychiatric diagnosis

Dr Lucy Johnstone is a UK clinical psychologist, trainer, speaker and writer, and a long-standing critic of biomedical model psychiatry. In this article she talks about the importance of offering alternatives to the increasingly disputed diagnostic approach to mental distress

Breathing Space launch 52 Weeks of Kindness

Breathing Space Scotland recently launched their annual campaign for better mental health in Scotland. Corinna Davies, Communications and Marketing Manager for the organisation tells us more

What recovery means to me – A personal insight

This month Gabby Quinn tells us what recovery means to her

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