NEWS: Suicide Prevention Week – Discover Pathways to Wellbeing

MWH Admin TeamNews

The ‘Discover Pathways to Wellbeing’ website, hosted by Moray Wellbeing Hub.

Our pathways were co-created with people with living/lived experience of relevant challenges, their friends and family, and people from professional support backgrounds.

The website is designed to help you find the support you need, when you need it, and all the tools featured focus on increasing CHIME *

There is no wrong door, the choices are mindfully selected to hopefully minimise you being overwhelmed. Some will suggest the same or similar resources, a website or service might help both young and older people for example; it’s ok to arrive there by any route.

Simply click on the tool that most aligns with how you describe your current need or how you define yourself.

Discover Pathways to Wellbeing can be found here and includes a feedback link to share your thoughts for improvement.

Hard copies of the tool and posters can be sent to any community, school, or individual on request by email.

*Connection, Hope, Identity, Meaning, Empowerment.



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