NEWS: Moray Reach Out Brand New Website

MWH Admin TeamNews

Moray Reach Out has had a great Spring and we would like to share all of our exciting news and upcoming events!

At Moray Reach Out we create opportunities for vulnerable adults participating in work and life to help them feel empowered. We’re also very passionate about changing mindsets and creating a positive impact for future generations.

Every project at MRO, current and future, focuses on our trainees, volunteers and staff members’ mental health and well-being. Whilst looking at sustainable, eco-friendly products that help the environment.

We believe that we can change mindsets by never underestimating people; we do with and not for and we always encourage them to give it a go.

We now have a brand new website that was launched on the 1st of June 2022. Due to our successful application for Digital Boost, 50% was funded by them.

If you have not yet visited our new site, click here

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