EVENT: Patient Participation Group Networking Event, Wednesday 1st June, 1.30pm-4pm

MWH Admin TeamEvent, News

Are you a General Practitioner, Member of a Patient Participation Group or interested in engagement with your GP Practice in Grampian?

Please join Healthcare Improvement Scotland – Community Engagement at our 2022 Networking Event where we will be discussing what the future of engagement looks like between GP practices and their local community. This is an opportunity to come and share your experience as well as learn from others. Whether you are part of a Patient Participation group or looking to set up one please come along.

  • The event will take place on MS Teams. You will be able to access the event using the link even if you are not registered with MS Teams.
  • You will be able to contribute verbally and / or by writing in a text box.
  • Live captioning is available as a feature of Teams.
  • Points and questions put in the text box will be read aloud by the facilitator for those who do not follow text chat and verbal conversation at the same time.
  • If you or a colleague has specific access requirements you need us to take account of, please let us know as soon as possible.

Prior to the webinar

Before the date of the webinar an e-mail will be sent out to you with joining instructions, you will also be able to login to your eventbrite account and join the meeting from here. It will be accessed via Microsoft Teams.

Your Information

We collect personal data from you – including your name, job title and contact details – using a third party, Eventbrite. This allows us to administer bookings for the event. We also ask about special requirements so that you can participate as fully as possible. We use your booking data to provide you with information before the event and to follow up with you afterwards.

We will not share your information with external individuals or organisations unless permitted or required to do so by law. We keep personal data secure and just as long as needed (in this case, for 12 months after the event). For more information on how we handle personal data – and how to contact the UK Information Commissioner if you have a complaint – please see our online privacy notice. You can also contact our information governance team on his.informationgovernance@nhs.scot

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