EVENT: Healthy Minds, Healthy Communities: CHEX Conference 2022, Wednesday 16th March, 10am-12.45pm

MWH Admin TeamEvent, News

This year’s CHEX conference will bring us together to explore the role that community-led health plays in supporting good mental health.

With the impact of the pandemic being felt across the country, this conference will highlight how community-led health organisations have brought together the skills, knowledge and insights of their communities to offer innovative, effective and essential mental health support across Scotland.

Taking place online, this conference will offer the chance to come together with colleagues from across the sector to discuss the big issues around community-led mental health in engaging participative workshops.

We’ll be running engaging, participative workshops as part of the day that will explore the impact of community-led approaches to mental health support. Our workshops are:

  • You’re on Mute: Exploring experiences of mental health and wellbeing in lockdown

  • Resourcing community-led approaches to mental health

  • What is meaningful engagement? Co-production, peer-led and community-led mental

  • Health Issues in the Community (HIIC) and Mental Health

Moray Wellbeing Hub’s Heidi Tweedie will also be speaking at the event, talking about CHIME based wellness tools.

Find out more and register your interest here

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