NEWS: HSCM Update: Changes to support for community mental health and wellbeing

MWH Admin TeamNews

Changes to support for community mental health and wellbeing

In recent years, Health and Social Care Moray’s partners at Penumbra have provided the Moray Mental Health and Wellness Service, offering support to individuals in distress, information, self-management activity, 1-1 community and peer support.

The service was provided initially via the Wellness Centre at Batchen Street, Elgin.The building has been closed since the beginning of the Covid pandemic in March 2020 and the service moved to online/phone support.

The contract for the Mental Health and Wellness Service runs until the end of March 2022 at which time the service will cease.

Between now and the end of March, individuals will continue to be supported by the service to progress with their self- management activity which includes having an awareness of available community-based mental health and wellbeing supports. No new referrals are being accepted.

Health & Social Care Moray wishes to thank Penumbra for their contribution to mental health and wellbeing in Moray for the duration of this project.

Penumbra will continue to have a presence in Moray going forward with the delivery of Distress Brief Interventions (DBI) – a time limited and supportive problem solving contact with an individual in distress.

A new Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner service will launch in spring 2022. This service will be aligned to Primary Care and accessed via GP practices, with practitioners taking a ‘making every opportunity count’ approach to facilitate a holistic perspective and to empower people to move forward in their wellbeing and recovery journeys.

Work is also progressing with the recommissioning of the Drug and Alcohol Direct Access Service to ensure people get the right help through a ‘no wrong door’ approach. The design of the service is being informed by the active involvement of people with lived experience, supporters and services.

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