Event: Mental Wellness & Resilience for the Climate Crisis
SCDC, with partners Scottish Communities for Climate Action Network and Scottish Community Alliance, are delighted to host an online event with Bob Doppelt from the International Transformational Resilience Coalition on Monday 21st November at 4pm
Whilst Scotland has not yet experienced severe climate change impacts at whole population scale, we know that many challenges associated with changing temperatures, adverse weather events and rising tide levels lie ahead.
Much work is in progress on how we can tackle emissions and how we can act to slow the climate change process, but less debated is the extent of the personal and social challenges we are likely to encounter as a result of the climate crisis.
We have invited Bob to talk to us about his work and research into how, at community level, we can work together to mitigate some of the worst effects of climate change.
He will outline a public health approach to enhancing and sustaining individual and societal health and wellbeing. He’ll also explore how some of the new thinking and approaches that are needed to address the scale and scope of traumas associated with severe weather events, displacement and loss.
Bob’s presentation will help stimulate discussion amongst participants and policy makers on the implications for how we configure our public services and what actions we need to take here in Scotland.