NEWS: Agents of Change: A Development Programme for Young Professionals in Scotland

Are you 25-35, working in an organisation or your community? Do you aspire to influence change where you work?

Young professionals often tell us they want to use their energy and passion to innovate and change their world for the better – whether that be a community, a workplace, a policy, a way of doing things. They also tell us of their struggles to translate their passion and energy into meaningful change. Sometimes they don’t have the skills they need. It can be difficult to get older colleagues or community leaders to hear their ideas. They may lack the confidence or the necessary networks.

Launched in celebration of Animate’s 10th Anniversary, this programme exists to support young professionals (aged 25-35 years old) to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to more effectively influence positive change where they live and work.

We have co-produced this programme with a small group of young professionals and we look forward to reviewing and shaping the programme design and content with participants throughout the programme.

Further details about the content of the programme is available here.