NEWS: Free Cognitive Behaviour Apps

MWH Admin TeamNews

Difficulties with sleep and anxiety can have a negative impact on our health, wellbeing, family life and work.


Two digital cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) apps are available free of charge to health and social care staff and all adults living in Scotland through Big Health’s partnership with the Scottish Government and health boards.

Sleepio (for insomnia) and Daylight (for anxiety) are clinically approved digital therapeutics which deliver bite size sessions to help you get in control of worry and sleeplessness.

Sleepio offers you a personalised goal setting programme for your sleep issues, featuring sessions with step-by-step guidance using evidence-based techniques. In about 20 minutes per week, you learn how to quieten a racing mind, reshape behaviours, and get better sleep. Sign up to try Sleepio here

Daylight aims to helps you gain control over your anxiety. After a two-minute quiz to discover your anxiety type, you’ll receive personalized techniques to help manage it. When it’s needed the most, Daylight is instantly accessible and ready to check in, practice, or try a new technique. Sign up to try Daylight here

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