Hear from people who have been there and come out the other side.
Scotland’s digital national health service is home to a new project to support people having suicidal thoughts. A new section of NHS Inform is dedicated to sharing video stories from people who have experienced the same and gone on to find ways of coping and living well.
A number of people who experienced very different situations and circumstances talk about their experiences and how each of them found a way past their thoughts and intentions. Their words and voices offer support and strategies for people who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, and to those around them, family, friends, workmates and others. The people who share their experiences come from communities right across Scotland.
NHS 24 have launched this innovative project with partners at the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group (NSLPG) and Police Scotland. Our particular thanks go to members of the Lived Experience Panel at NSPLG for their support.
The stories are available to watch here, on NHS Inform
Where else can I go for help?
Telephone help is available every hour of the day, every day of the year.
- If you or someone else is in danger call 999
- For support with mental distress contact your GP in working hours or call 111 at any time
- The Samaritans are there to listen on 116 123 day and night, 365 days of the year
- Breathing Space 0800 83 85 87
- Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 6pm to 2am
- Friday 6pm-Monday 6am