NEWS: Adult Disability Payment to Replace PIP in Moray

MWH Admin TeamNews

Adult Disability Payment has now replaced Personal Independence Payment in Moray and new applications can now be made for ADP

People currently in receipt of Personal Independence Payment & Disability Living Allowance do not need to apply as Social Security Scotland will notify clients by letter to advise when the process starts to transfer their case to Social Security Scotland and then again once the process is complete.

Minister for Social Security Ben Macpherson said:

“We are taking a positive, responsible and compassionate approach to delivering disability benefits. This is in contrast to aspects of the current UK Government system. The Scottish Government is committed to treating people with dignity, fairness and respect and we start from a position of trust.

“Adult Disability Payment is an important financial support to provide security and help people live well. I would encourage anyone in Scotland who could be eligible to please check and apply. We want people to get support that they’re entitled to, because social security is a shared investment to help build a fairer and better society together.

“When people apply for our disability benefits, we are focused on making the right decisions first time to reduce the need for people to go through a redetermination or appeal. When Social Security Scotland is making a decision it will only need one formal piece of supporting information from a professional, such as a social care assessment, medical report or prescription list, and if required we will obtain that information for people. We will never use the private sector to carry out health assessments and there won’t be any degrading functional examinations such as asking a client to ‘touch their toes’.”

Flyers and factsheets

For further information, please visit Social Security Scotland

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