EVENT: Developing Peer Support Roles with Scottish Recovery Network, August 9th, 10.30am-12noon

MWH Admin TeamEvent, News

People should have access to peer support throughout their recovery journey. By working together we will ensure that peer roles are well established, recognised and celebrated throughout our mental health system

We create intentionally informal spaces to encourage participation and dialogue. This event is a chance to come together to explore key themes related to developing peer roles. It provides the opportunity to share your experiences, ask questions and hear new ideas.

There will be a live recording of the Peer Chat podcast with special guest Vikki Price. Vikki is Co-founder and Manager of Peer Hub. The Peer Chat will lead into smaller group discussions to reflect on what we have heard and share our thinking.

This event builds on and feeds into the ‘What Makes Peer Support Unique?’ project. The learning from this project will be captured and shared in a series of practical guides for all to use.

To book your place, visit eventbrite here

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