NEWS: Money Advice Moray Are Here to Help

So many people are being affected by the Cost of Living crisis now and struggling to afford essentials such as food, gas, electric, rent or mortgage payments.

The Money Advice team, part of Money Advice Moray (MAM) is here to help.  The service is local, free, confidential and non-judgemental and available to anyone who lives in the Moray area whether they are working, or in receipt of benefits or a pension.

The debts don’t need to be high level to access this service; even if someone is struggling to pay a small debt, an unexpected bill or the minimum payments and finds doing this leaves them with little or no money for other everyday needs.  The debt can be any type, for example Council tax, rent and arrears, mortgage and arrears, loans, overdrafts or catalogues payments.  If this is the case please encourage them to get in touch with us.

Our team can discuss the various options available to deal with the debts and possibly reduce outgoings which could in turn free up money to use for the things they really need.  For example one of the options could be a repayment plan which enables people to repay their debt at an amount they can afford.  With one type of repayment plan all interest and charges on the debts are frozen.  However, there are also options for those people who cannot afford to repay their debts.

To arrange an appointment or just have a quick chat with a Money Adviser please contact Money Advice Moray on 0300 1234563 or visit the website here