EVENT: Action for Children Bouncing into the Summer, Friday 15th and 29th July, 10am-3pm

MWH Admin TeamEvent

Bounce into Summer with lots of fun, activities and games.

Action for Children Sonas Wellbeing Service and AB56 Futures invite you along to their event to find out more! This is a free event.

Programme for the day

  • 10am-12noon Parent Workshop
  • 12:30pm-1:30pm Community Lunch and Information Marketplace
  • 1:30pm-3pm Community Bouncing Back Session

Our Parent Workshop will offer handy hints and tips for parents to talk to children and teenagers about mental health. We will provide you with techniques and skills to help get everyone feeling positive. Its as easy as 1+2 =3 !! Come along to find out more…

Our Community Lunch and Information Marketplace is an opportunity to find out about what’s happening near you, where to go for advice and support and get a free tasty lunch too!

Our Community Bounce Back session is for anyone in the community. It’s a fun packed session with games and more, leaving you energised and feeling positive as well as supporting everyone to look after their wellbeing. It’s not to be missed!

For more information, and to book your place, use the links below.

Friday 15th July, Longmore Hall, Keith

Friday 29th July, Fisherman’s Hall, Buckie

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