EVENT: Growing2gether Announce 2 Major Training Programmes Working with Transpersonal Young People

Are you interested in working transpersonal with young people?

Growing2gether is a part of the Ecologia Youth Trust and we have launched a Scottish initiative. Growing2gether is an innovative programme, which gives marginalised young people the confidence and skills to thrive. At its heart is the opportunity for young people to volunteer in local nurseries as a mentor and role model to small children needing additional support.

Growing2gether has two major programmes

1. Growing2gether Nursery Programme is an 18-week programme allowing young people to address underlying issues that can lead to becoming disengaged, such as low self-esteem, poor educational attainment and lack of positive role models. They receive Accredited Vocational SQA qualification in Personal Development and participate in a work experience scheme.

2. Growing2gether in the Community is a 16 session Youth Led Community programme where young people assess the needs of their local community, design and deliver a community project (with the support of a community mentor). Previous community projects have been: homelessness, self-harming, teenage pregnancy, mental health among other things

The Facilitator Training

The 7 day facilitator training provides transferable skills that can be used in work with all young people and includes: Transformational Education; adolescent and youth development; attachment theory; relational and group dynamics; mentoring and role modeling; facilitating self-reflection and making conscious choices; mindfulness; conflict resolution; Positive psychology and Appreciative Inquiry; basic coaching skills.


7 days training over six months, consisting of two-day induction followed by one day a month. Co-delivery of a programme, 6 hours per week during the 6 month period with 2 hours preparation and 4 hours direct contact time.

Deadline for applications: 8th July 2022

If interested contact Diana Whitmore via email diana.whitmore3@gmail.com or phone 07990 972942