EVENT: Together We Grow Beginning 16th May 2022

Together We Grow – Gardening to support connection, mental health and wellbeing.

Would you like to spend more time outdoors, learn about organic gardening, make new connections and be in community? Could you benefit from participating in meaningful activity, developing skills, and getting into a healthy routine?

From May until September Cullerne Gardens will be running a weekly day service in their 7 acre smallholding involved in organic food production for the community since the 1980’s.

Join the rhythms of the season, gain valuable experience, learn new skills, participate in meaningful work and find connection through community.

The group will learn about and participate in the sustainable cultivation of food including sowing seeds, composting, taking care of plants and fruit trees, garden design and maintenance, harvesting and preparing produce for sale.

The project has been funded by TSI’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund and will run every Monday from 9:30am – 2:30pm (if attending with own transport it is possible to miss part of the session if required). The garden team has extensive experience running similar programs based on the same model of social and therapeutic horticulture for different demographics.

To register your interest in taking part, click here

There is a minimum commitment and trial period of one month – preferably participants stay for the duration of the project which will run for 5 months from May until the end of September.