NEWS: Mental Health Services in Scotland’s Prisons Need Urgent Action

A recent report published by the Mental Welfare Commission is calling for urgent action on the care and treatment of prisoners with mental ill health in Scotland’s prisons.


The report follows visits by the Commission to all 15 of Scotland’s prisons, hearing from staff and prisoners.

Ten years after a similar series of visits, today’s document finds many changes to structures and organisation, but little improvement in the outcome for prisoners’ mental health.

The report looks at arrival and early days in prison, when people are particularly vulnerable. It examines the experience of segregation, the transfer of very unwell prisoners to hospital, mental health care, and addictions to drugs or alcohol. And it hears from relatives and friends.

The Commission found pockets of good practice, and found the workforce were committed to their roles. But the overall experience of mental health services in prisons continues to be in need of significant improvement.

You can read the full report and recommendations here