EVENT: Don’t Forget – Time to Talk Day with Moray Wellbeing Hub, Tomorrow from 10am

MWH Admin TeamEvent, News

Moray Wellbeing Hub are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow for national Time to Talk day, which aims to get people all around the country talking about mental health.

Time to Talk day is a great day for communities, workplaces, schools, or anyone to get together and have a chat about mental health, and is the only time of year where charities and anti stigma programmes across the UK get together to challenge discrimination, by getting people everywhere to have conversations.

Moray Wellbeing Hub have 3 online events planned for tomorrow, and you can find out more about them below.

10am-11am Join us for an online event to hear lived experiences and focus action for change for Community Justice in Moray

Hosted by partners Moray Wellbeing Hub CIC and Families Outside, this event includes the launch of a report based on a 2021 peer-research project for the Moray Community Justice Partnership, which focused on exploring the topic of what keeps people out of prison / prevents reoffending.

The event will include:

  • Hearing lived experience of our justice system
  • Sharing research findings
  • Launch of our post-project report
  • Opportunity to action plan and create change

There will be time following the event for informal chat and networking.

From 1:30pm-2pm hear about our latest project focusing on better mental health for Moray parents and their families

Exploring what works well to support mums and dads from pregnancy through the first few years of their child’s life, a new project aims to boost mental health of those involved and create learning to help improve the services of the future in Moray.

Focusing on the support parents can give one another, the year-long project will see events, groups and surveys hosted by Moray Wellbeing Hub CIC with partners Children 1st and Moray College UHI. Fronting the activity will be a group of parents supported with training and mentoring to lead the project as peer-researchers. They will seek to hear the voices of experience including those seldom heard such as those in more rural areas, minority ethnic communities and young people.

7pm-8:30pm Introduction to stress and trauma management – Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises

Stress and trauma can have serious physical, psychological and social consequences for us all. The discomfort tends to affect the body as much as the mind. For that reason, “talking about” – or just relying on medication – may be insufficient for healing. We need to include the body.

This presentation will introduce you to the theory and practice of TRE – Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises – a set of easy-to-learn exercises that has proven surprisingly effective in breaking the vicious cycle of stress and arousal. The exercises are designed to release chronic muscular tension that is held deep within the body, caused by what we have been exposed to, and thus restore wellbeing.

For more information on all these events, and to book a place, please visit our website

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