EVENT: SCCR Untangling the Knots Online Course, January 2022

Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution FREE ONLINE 4 session training course in January 2022 on conflict resolution

UTK-Untangling the knots…

All relationships get in a tangle from time to time, sometimes we need a bit of help with the knots. The SCCR has developed an online practitioner course, supporting participants who directly work with families and young people to develop their skills in conflict resolution. You must meet this criteria to be given a space on this course and you must also live in Scotland

Who is it for?

It’s for anyone who has a role working directly with young people and their families who live in Scotland within the Third, Health, Criminal Justice, Parenting, Family, Education, Social and Housing, Mediation or Conflict Resolution sectors, either as a practitioner/volunteer, and who is able to make a sincere commitment to the duration of the course. The course is of a generic nature and has not been designed to deal with specialised or condition specific services.

Please note: Places may not be allocated to those not fulfilling the criteria.

To register your interest on this course or for any further questions please email sccr@cyrenians.scot

““This course has allowed me to gain an understanding of the dynamics of relationship conflict. It has been a refresher of the importance of exploring emotional states for better emotional understanding.” Course Participant, 2020/2021

The course will cover the following topics relevant to the development of your skills:

  • Conflict response styles
  • Dynamics of conflict
  • Effective communications
  • Reactive or Reflective (Monkey v Lizard)
  • Brain and Body connection (Cranial Cocktail)
  • Encouraging a better understanding
  • Anger and the brain (Keep the Heid)
  • The Anger Cycle
  • Conflict Resolution