EVENT: Peer support and the pandemic : Thrived or just survived?, Tuesday 7th December 2021, 4pm-5:30pm

Join international leaders in Peer Support and Recovery to explore the successes and challenges the movement has faced during the pandemic.

What factors during the pandemic led to the growth of peer support and what barriers were increased? The growth of some peer support programmes has been dramatic, but others have stalled completely.

On Tuesday 7th December from 4pm-5:30pm, join the Habitus peer leadership and research team and guest speakers from around the world – hear their experiences, ask questions and be a part of the conversation.

With special guests:

  • Louise Christie: Director of Scottish Recovery Network
  • Allison Dunning: Head of Peer Support Canada
  • Amanda Green: Kings College Ph.D. Candidate and NHS England Peer Support Lead

Event outcomes:

  • Share learning on how and why peers have been successfully and unsuccessfully placed and utilised throughout the pandemic.
  • To share learning about how to keep peer supporters engaged as equal team members despite challenging times.
  • To encourage further development of, and opportunities for, peer supporter roles.

Book your place here