EVENT: Rural Lives – Understanding Financial Vulnerability and Wellbeing, Thursday 2nd December 2021, 1pm-2pm

Research findings on how people experience poverty and social exclusion in rural areas, with implications for policy and practice.


Come to this webinar to hear the findings from the Rural Lives Report (March 2021). This investigates why and how people in rural areas experience (and negotiate) poverty and social exclusion, with a focus on financial hardship and vulnerability.

The research is based on three study areas: Harris, East Perthshire and Northumberland. Interviews were conducted with those experiencing financial vulnerability and organisations offering support between Oct 2019 and Sept 2020 – so both before and during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The research highlights the precarious, low-paid and seasonal nature of much employment, higher costs of living and difficulties accessing affordable housing and services. Contrasts between rich and poor, long-term residents and in-migrants, are accompanied by powerful narratives of social change and loss.

It also shows how the benefits system is not set up to deal with this, and can increase the risk of debt and destitution; how centralisation of services and digitalisation can exacerbate difficulties for vulnerable people. It explores what family, friends and neighbours can (and cannot) provide, and the role of voluntary and community organisations.Last, but by no means least, it concludes that there is an imminent crisis in rural social care delivery.

Our speakers Polly Chapman, Mark Shucksmith and Jayne Glass are co-authors of the Rural Lives report, along with Jane Atterton.

Click here for more information and to register.

Events in this webinar series are put together by the Rural Social Work (Scotland) Forum, with partners from Iriss, Scottish Association of Social Work, University of the West of Scotland, Lancaster University, and with representation from Dumfries and Galloway Council, Orkney, the Western Isles, Argyll & Bute. It is also supported by SSSC and Social Work Scotland.

Follow us on twitter @ScotsRuralSW.