EVENT: Peer2Peer Essentials Course Booking Now!

Peer2Peer-Essentials : Peer Support Skills, Online Course


Based on the Peer2Peer course, this course from MWH gives an overview of essential knowledge of peer-support including recovery theory and peer values.

Moray Wellbeing Hub uses Peer2Peer to empower individuals in a range of roles to be better able to:

  • Harness their own peer experiences as a tool for use in their area of specialism to support better recovery and wellbeing outcomes for those they work with
  • Deliver peer-training courses to a QA standard *Work alongside fellow Champions or Volunteers to support existing and develop new projects with the MWH
  • Challenge stigma and influence change in their communities by using their own experiences, as well as supporting others to do the same

We welcome those in professional or support roles but within the course, they will be expected to put these aside and join the groups as equals.

Those attending are welcome to undertake further training to gain a full Peer2Peer pass as part of Moray Wellbeing Hub’s QA approach. This is likely to include self-study as well as further contact days.

Delivered over multiple dates, by signing up you are committing to attending all dates unless expressly agreed otherwise with your facilitator. Bookings close on Thursday 25th November at 10am.

This course will run as follows:

  • 1 hour – Introduction to the course session  – Monday 29th November 2021 3:30pm-4:30pm
  • 3 x 2 hour sessions 2nd, 9th and 16th December 2021 – 3:30pm-5:30pm

What is peer-support? Peer Support can be used by anyone with any kind of life experience. It occurs when people provide knowledge, experience, emotional, social or practical help to each other. Peer support is distinct from other forms of social support in that the source of support is a peer, a person who is similar in fundamental ways to the recipient of the support; their relationship is one of equality. An effective peer-support relationship is mutual, authentic and intentional.

As human beings we are all peers of mental health experiences, wellbeing and life challenges – Self-awareness of the fact that we all have fluctuating health and can experience distress at any time, can be harnessed as a powerful tool to empower ourselves and others.

This course is designed to hone your peer-support skills for any life role you choose.

Book your place here.

Background: Peer2Peer was developed as a result of a European Union-funded partnership project (that included the Scottish Recovery Network) to train people with lived experience of mental health problems to support others in their recovery.