NEWS: Scottish Recovery Network Directors Update

Acting Director Louise Christie provides an insight into Scottish Recovery Network’s programme for the next year

Earlier this year we launched our strategic plan: A new future for mental health.It has been a busy time since then with the creation of the Run your own Recovery Conversation Café toolkit and the start of the Peer2Peer Development Programme.

The team has also been planning our work programme for the next year. This will focus on two priorities:

  • Improving the meaningful engagement of people with lived experience. In particular, in the development of mental health strategy and the design of support and services
  • Developing peer support opportunities and peer roles across Scotland’s mental health system

Building on our existing work and exploring new ideas, we want to collaborate with you to identify what we can do to make a tangible difference. In the first instance we will focus on gathering your experiences and learning around the opportunities and challenges facing us all.

Our What’s next for recovery? engagement in autumn 2020 highlighted some of what needs to happen. We want to continue and deepen this conversation and work with you to develop collaborative projects that really make a difference. Scottish Recovery Network is a small initiative and we can’t do this on our own. We can however play a role by bringing people together to champion recovery, the role of lived experience and the benefits of working together to achieve positive change.

If you want to work with us on our priority areas please get in touch

We’ve already made a start! – the Run your own Recovery Conversation Café toolkit provides a different approach to engagement. Last month the Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care, Kevin Stewart MSP launched this free resource. Groups, organisations and services from across Scotland are already snapping it up! We look forward to hearing how you are using it and to sharing that learning.

The Peer2Peer Development Programme brings together a group of 11 organisations all keen to deliver the course and support each other along the way. Expect lots of insights, top tips and advice on how you can do the same! Remember, anyone can access our Let’s do Peer2Peer resources. We encourage you to take a look and run your own course in your own way!

Together we can make Scotland a place where people expect mental health recovery. A place where people are supported at all stages of their recovery journey.

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