EVENT: Internationl FASD Awareness Day Conference, Thursday 9th September 2021

On International FASD Awareness Day we are hosting a conference of leading FASD experts, including experts by experience.

On 9 September National FASD is one of the co-sponsors of an amazing webinar hosted by Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership. It will include some of the country’s leading experts, featuring resources and campaigns, and participation of members of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on FASD.

You will hear from people living with FASD and learn about their experiences of life and of services. We will hear from professionals who lead the field in identification and support, and some resources to support those with FASD will be featured. The conference will also address prevention and will look at how Greater Manchester have promoted the message that when it comes to alcohol, there’s no safe time and no safe amount to drink during pregnancy.

In addition to the experts by experience, we are fortunate to be joined by Jo Buckard, Raja Mukherjee, Cassie Jackson, Róisín Reynolds, Rachael Nielson and Sandra Butcher- full biographies coming soon. The All Party Parliamentary Group for FASD will broadcast during the conference and we hope to host some of the latest materials and resources that are still in development.

Sheffield’s Director of Public Health, Greg Fell, will host the event and facilitate questions and answers with the speakers.

With new NICE Quality Standards on FASD due this year, this is a timely conference and so we invite you to (virtually) come along, raise your awareness and then share what you learn.

For more information and to book a place, visit www.eventbrite.co.uk