Consultation On National Care Service For Scotland Opens
The Scottish Government is consulting on a new National Care Service for Scotland. This covers a wide range of supports for people to live full lives of all ages and was a recommendation of the recent Feely report. There are now opportunities to get involved in consultation.
Social care includes support for people with physical disability, learning disabilities or mental health conditions, older people and those with dementia, people with or recovering from alcohol or drug addictions, those who are, have been or are at risk of being homeless, and children and families who may need additional support, or where children are unable to live with their own families.
This consultation focuses on exploring the proposals for significant cultural and system change that will need to be supported by primary legislation. The Independent Review of Adult Social Care made clear that changes to systems are needed to deliver improvements in the quality of social care and support.
The priority in considering these proposals must be improving outcomes for the people who access care and support.
We want to hear views from as many people as possible to shape a better future – including people who access care and support, carers, members of the workforce and those who may access care and support in the future – which includes everyone. We want everyone who may be affected by these changes to have an opportunity to comment on them.
A series of online engagement events are being held in September and October to enable stakeholders, individuals and communities to come together to share their views on the National Care Service.
Some of these events will cover all aspects of the consultation, and some will be themed towards specific aspects of the consultation. These consultation events will offer people the opportunity to come together to discuss the National Care Service, and to understand the need for change within social care. A summary report will be produced from each event for the Scottish Government to consider alongside the official consultation responses.
For more details of these events please visit or to read the consultation paper in full, it’s available at