EVENT: FASD Awareness Month

MWH Admin TeamEvent, News

September is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Month

The National Organisation for FASD (formerly NOFAS-UK) is dedicated to supporting people affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), their families and communities. It promotes education for professionals and public awareness about the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

The 9th day of the 9th month is International  FASD Day. This is to draw attention to the importance of going alcohol-free for the 9 months of  pregnancy. In the UK we are now celebrating September FASD Awareness Month.

People with FASD live lives of courage. With diagnosis and the support they deserve, they can shine. Things are changing in the UK but the risks of alcohol in pregnancy are still too little known. We encourage everyone to work together to reduce the rates of FASD and to increase awareness.

This year National FASD will be doing a special PR campaign targeted at young adults BEFORE they are considering a pregnancy. Please watch this space! It will feature some familiar faces! There is also a national conference taking place on FASD Day, 9th September – for more information or to register visit eventbrite here.

For further information on FASD, please visit the website here or for detailed information for Scotland, visit Alcohol Focus Scotland

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