NEWS: See Me and Scottish Ambulance Service Mental Health Response Survey

SAS wants their mental health response to better reflect the service’s approach that strives to be person centred, collaborative, and includes lived experience at its heart.

See Me, Scotland’s national programme to end mental health stigma and discrimination, has been working in partnership with the Scottish Ambulance Service to get a better understanding of how they can best support people with lived experience of mental health problems when they reach out to them and/or use their services.

The last year has been particularly challenging due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The Scottish Ambulance Service wants their mental health response to better reflect their Service’s approach, which strives to be person-centred, collaborative, and includes lived experience at its heart. With this in mind, we would like to hear about what is important to you in this moment in time when receiving support from the Scottish Ambulance Service for a mental health problem.

Complete the survey here.