NEWS: Feels FM Continues To Grow

Let the music do the talking.

Last month, a See Me favourite came back into the spotlight with a new look, feel and sound – and no, it wasn’t another Busted reunion. We’re talking about FeelsFM.
The world’s first emoji-powered jukebox for mental health, FeelsFM was originally launched in 2018 as part of Scotland’s Year of Young People.
The platform gives young people a playlist of songs that match how they feel and, while they’re on the site, they’re asked a series of questions around young people and mental health today.
When young people speak with adults about their mental health struggles, too often they are dismissed, told it’s just a phase or they aren’t taken seriously. No one, no matter their age should find that their experiences are belittled, or they are treated in a condescending way.
We received more than 5000 responses from Scotland’s young people after the 2018 launch, which led to the Scottish Government make three commitments:
  • Ensure reducing mental health stigma is the core of everything they do
  • They will create environments where young people can trust adults
  • They will give young people tools to describe how they feel

So we decided it was time that FeelsFM came back for more. We have new playlists, new emojis, new games, a new look and young people can now create playlists on Spotify and YouTube.

And there’s a tonne of excellent reasons to get involved…click here to find out more!