EVENT: Health Information Week, 5th-11th July 2021
Health Information Week 2021 is 5 July to 11 July 2021
Health Information Week is a UK wide campaign promoting high-quality information for patients and the public. Access to high quality health information can have a positive impact on health outcomes for individuals. NHS Grampian Libraries and partners are participating in Health Information Week, sharing some excellent resources.
We have created a series of Health Information Week: a series of e-leaflets using resources from the Health Information Week website and with support and suggestions from colleagues.
The following events are also taking place and are open to all.
Tuesday 6th July, 1pm - NHS Grampian Archives talk
Fiona Musk, NHS Grampian’s archivist, presents on how healthcare delivery has changed across Grampian using the historic archive collection (open to all)
Wed 7th July, 1pm - NHS Grampian healthpoint
NHSG healthpoint demonstrate how they support people in adopting healthier lifestyles (open to all)
- Presentation showcasing the range of information and supports available from healthpoint and how to access these
- Join in the ‘pub’ quiz - Know your units!
- Short introduction to Health Walks and opportunity to experience simple stretch and balance exercises
Any queries about any of the above please contact cornhill.library@nhs.scot