NEWS : safe S.P.A.C.E. Moray-wide Parents Peer Support Group On Facebook

A new Moray-wide group for parents and carers to support their peers has evolved!

Through a Wellness Walk, organised by Jean Pryde at Moray Wellbeing Hub and Caroline Boyd at Speyside High School for Parent Peer Support, a group of likeminded parents and carers got chatting about the need for a parent and carer support group in Speyside. Due to Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, group meetings needed to be held virtually and demonstrated there was a great opportunity to set up an online supportive group so parents didn’t feel alone, and everyone could share life challenges, tips or just connect with other peers.

The group developed ‘safe S.P.A.C.E’ (Speyside Parents and Carers Experiences), a private Facebook group allowing peers to feel secure and safe to share if they needed to. Although Facebook is not always ideal – not everyone is on Facebook – it was found to be the best medium to share information and to connect quickly with others. Following a further Wellness Walk in Keith, the group recognised there was actually a need for a Moray-wide peer group, so changed the Speyside part of the name to Supporting, making it inclusive for all peers in Moray.

Through Parent Network Scotland’s Wellbeing Toolkit; Parenting Matters; and the personal and social development courses attended by some of the parents, along with contributions from Johanna Quinney from PNS, the group is still small but growing every day, with many positive peer connections made already.

If you’d like to get involved, you can find safe S.P.A.C.E. on Facebook.