EVENT: A Moray Wellbeing Hub Celebration, 26th May 2021, 7pm-8:30pm

A Moray Wellbeing Hub Celebration!

Celebrating all we have achieved! Including; Wellness college courses, social enterprise endeavours including the launch of our own wellbeing ‘Merch’, all the new people we have welcomed and the new team members that we have appointed.

This event is open to anyone that would like to hear about what we have been up to!

Wednesday 26th May, 7pm -8:30pm

Please book HERE, Booking ESSENTIAL

Bring your own refreshments!

We will be celebrating all the things we have achieved over the last six months, despite the 2nd Lockdown and a Global Pandemic!

From wellness college courses, social enterprise endeavours including the launch of our own wellbeing ‘Merch’, all the new people we have welcomed and the new team members that we have appointed. Hear our plans for the future and have your say and share ideas on what we do.

Join us as we take you on our journey and take a look back at everything we have been doing over the last 6 months.