NEWS: Lived experience and the road to early intervention in psychosis in Scotland

This week in the Alliance Scotland news, Louise Beattie, Chair of the Early Intervention in Psychosis Lived Experience Reference Group discusses findings from recent engagement report.

The impact of psychosis is experienced by individuals and families, as well as societally. Intervening early is evidenced to improve outcomes.

In 2014, Louise experienced a first episode of psychosis while completing her PhD studies. As a resident of Glasgow, this led to her referral to the local early intervention in psychosis service (“ESTEEM”). She was unpleasantly surprised to discover that such services are not available nationally, and believes that her recovery was significantly benefited by this service.

This discrepancy began to change a few years ago, when the Scottish Government included Action 26 in its ten-year Mental Health Strategy, 2017 – 2027 (this link will take you away from our website). 

Since the inception of the Early Intervention in Psychosis Lived Experience Reference Group, they have been contributing lived experience perspectives to Healthcare Improvement Scotland during their commission relevant to Action 26. This has culminated in their consultation engagement events and associated report Early Intervention in Psychosis- engagement project report (this link will take you away from our website). 

This week, the report created by their group and led by Hamish Kidd, of Support in Mind Scotland, is published.

Four key recommendations are made:

  • Public awareness of psychosis needs to be raised and the associated stigma addressed. We found a lack of awareness as to psychosis could hinder early intervention, including by healthcare professionals who were seen as gatekeepers.
  • Family members, partners and supporters of people with first-episode psychosis need to be identified quickly and worked with pro-actively by services. Family members reported difficulties accessing support when concerns were apparent.
  • People who experience first episode psychosis need person-centred care delivered by a well-coordinated partnership of statutory and third sector organisations. Person-centred care included consideration of individual contexts, as well as how recovery is defined by individuals.
  • A human rights-based approach should be at the heart of the design, implementation and delivery of services for people with first-episode psychosis. Human rights considerations were also raised, including regarding the use of medication and life choices.

For further details and to read Louise’s full story, click here