EVENT: Neurodiversity campaign walk, Thursday 8th April 2.30pm, Elgin, all ages welcome.

Voice for those ‘wired differently’ in Moray continues with
Neurodiversity campaign event walk 8th April 2021 welcoming all

Autism, dyslexia, ADHD are just some of the diagnosis labels included under our Neurodiversity campaign over the last year. This campaign aims to explore how we are all wired differently and the impact of the language we use around this on stigma. Our walk event is planned for anyone keen to join in on 8th April.

BOOK NOW (free but registration required)

The walk is a booking-only event to ensure it meets with government guidance but hopes to have up to 15 over 12s attending, with a good number of under 12s welcome too.

We hope many people will wear their new neurodiversity t-shirts for the event. The t-shirts are available to buy direct here.