RESOURCE: Free coaching and counselling for parents experiencing financial hardship

Free coaching and counselling service for parents experiencing financial hardship

R-evolution for Good launched its free coaching and counselling service for parents experiencing financial hardship in Moray back in October 2020. Initially they offered the service to the recipients of Moray School Bank, however, they are now opening up this service for referral from all agencies and organisations who work with parents experiencing financial hardship.

Criteria for referral is simple, they must:

  • Be a parent of a dependent child under the age of 18
  • Be experiencing financial hardship

They don’t ask for details of financial income, they just ask that the referrer advocates that the person needs support. Once referred their fantastic team will make contact with the person and arrange to meet them for an initial assessment meeting where they will complete the relevant paperwork and allocate the person to the most appropriate service.

Leaflets and more information about each service and how to contact them to refer are available on their website