Get informed, empowered and inspired to respond to the impact of Domestic Abuse on the whole family.
About this Event
Facilitated and delivered by Sue Dominey and Debi Weir
Domestic Abuse is a Public Health Issue:
Voluntary and Statutory agencies, Communities and Individuals all have a responsibility to be part of a solution. There is much evidence to show that there has been an increase in Domestic Abuse incidents under Covid Lockdown…..
Is Domestic Abuse on your Radar? It is certainly on ours….
R – Responsibility
A – Action
D – Domestic
A – Abuse
R – R-evolution
R-evolution for good welcome you to join them online to be more fully informed, empowered and inspired to respond to families and children whose lives, health and wellbeing are being impacted on by Domestic Abuse.
You will learn about the health consequences of Domestic Abuse, Roles and Responsibilities, and what R-evolution for Good believe are appropriate responses and interventions for engaging with both victims and perpetrators.
Book here