EVENT: Time to Talk Day – Resources and Ideas for you to get involved, 4th February 2021

SeeMe are getting ready for Time to Talk Day next week!

With the latest lockdown restrictions it’s going to be a bit different this time around, but together we can still start millions of conversations on mental health.

Many workplaces, schools and public places will be closed on Time to Talk Day. So as well as virtual events and chats, they would love to see people ordering and sending Time to Talk postcards to start conversations. It’s a small gesture that can make a huge difference.

Why not send a Time to Talk postcard to someone you haven’t seen in a while, and ask ‘how are you’ or arrange a virtual event? If you are looking for ideas on what you can do, there are resource and activity packs, including SeeMe’s digital Time to Talk bingo full of little ideas you and those around you can do. 

Get everything you need to download.

SeeMe are also really excited to announce that on Time to Talk Day they are going to be joined by their Ambassador Shiona McCallum and TV presenter Gail Porter for a Facebook Live chat about how small things have impacted their mental health. Find out more about their events here.

Right now speaking about mental health is perhaps more important than ever before. So please help us spread the word!