NEWS: Some key information on Circles Advocacy

 What is advocacy?

  • Advocacy is supporting people’s views to be heard, in situations that they might find difficult.
  • The service is free and confidential.

Circles advocacy supports people to:

  • Have a say about the services they receive
  • Understand their rights
  • Get the right information to help them make decisions
  • Raise issues they are worried about

How we work with you:

  • We will meet with you and tell about the support we can provide
  • We will listen to your concerns and tell you if we can support you with your specific issue
  • We will agree a plan with you as to how we will do this. This may include attending meetings with you, talking on your behalf at meetings, writing your views and sharing them with people you want to, helping you plan what you want to say.
  • We can support you with one or more issues.


Who can use the service:

Those who are 18 years plus,  live in Moray, and experience one or more of the following conditions:

  • Learning, physical and/or sensory disabilities
  • Mental Ill Health
  • Acquired Brain Injury
  • Chronic/ long term conditions
  • Autism Spectrum Diagnosis
  • Personality Disorder

Who need support with:

  • Health and Social Care Services eg Care Programme Approach, accessing services, complaints etc
  • Looked After Child Processes ie when your child is ‘Looked After’ by  the Local Authority/ has to attend a Children’s Hearing
  • Child Protection Processes ie when your child is subject to ongoing Child Protection processes

Those who are 16 years and older who are subject to an order,  or an application for an order is to be made, under:

  • Mental Health (Care and Treatment)(Scotland) Act
  • Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act
  • Adult support and Protection (Scotland) Act

Those who are 16 years and older, whose use of drugs and/or alcohol (either current or in past) has created barriers to them accessing services essential to their health, wellbeing and recovery. This includes health and social care services but also a wider range of support and services including housing.

How to contact us:

We aim to have an advocate available speak to you in the office on:

  • Mondays 1-3pm
  • Thursday 10-12am

And to speak to you on the phone on:

  • Tuesdays and Fridays 10-12noon.

Out with these times, if no one is in the office, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Providing a Covid-19 Safe Service

 We are working hard to provide a Covid – 19 safe environment for our staff and those we support. We will do this by:

  • Communicating with those we work with via their chosen method of communication eg phone, e-mail, text, What’s App, Zoom, etc
  • If a face to face, in person, meeting is essential, we will try to accommodate this, maintaining social distancing, using PPE as and when required, using out door meeting spaces where possible.
  • Maintaining our office as a Covid secure space eg social distancing, regular cleaning, good ventilation, provision of hand sanitising and PPE etc.

Circles Leaflet