SURVEY: Speyside High School Pupil Mental Wellbeing – Parent Survey closes 9th November

COVID19 has had a big impact on young people’s wellbeing and, as a result, school attendance has been a challenge for many. To help support parents/carers in dealing with these challenges, Speyside High School is working in partnership with Moray Wellbeing Hub to understand and offer meaningful support. Moray Wellbeing Hub is a local social movement that includes parents, carers and young people of school age.

The survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Click here to go to the survey now.

Speyside High School is committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils, staff and the wider community. We recognise the challenges that families face, especially during the current pandemic, in supporting their child(ren) to attend school. The purpose of this survey is to gather information about these challenges and to determine how best to empower families to move forward. In order to explore appropriate support options, we require responses that can be attributed to individuals (rather than being anonymous). This information will be treated as confidential.