TRAINING: Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) training for parents and carers

The ALLIANCE continues to deliver training on the GIRFEC approach to parents, carers and third sector organisations.

For third sector organisations, this training will allow you to train others, better understand Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) and support the people you work with and for in their understanding of the approach.

For parents and carers, this training will allow you to better understand GIRFEC and know what you should expect from services regarding your disabled child or young person and/or your child or young person with a long-term condition.

If you’d like to organise a Getting to Know GIRFEC training session, for your organisation or your group, please email us at

Visit their web page here.

All the sessions are free, and delivered online. The ALLIANCE can tailor the sessions to your needs and accessibility requirements.