EVENT: Mental Wellbeing in Rural Communities, online, Monday 9th November, 4:30pm – 6pm

On the 9th of November between 430pm and 6pm, the Scottish Government are holding an online Conference with Arctic countries and the National Rural Mental Health Forum presenting on MENTAL
WELLBEING IN RURAL COMMUNITIES: A discussion between Scottish and Arctic experts on access to mental health support.

Register to attend with this link:

About this Event

Scotland and the Arctic share similar challenges with ensuring that, no matter how rural or remote, communities receive high-quality support in relation to mental health and wellbeing. In rural areas, a combination of stigma, lack of anonymity and isolation can act as a barrier to accessing the right services, calling for urgent action and innovative solutions.

Tragically, suicide rates in the Arctic region are among the highest in the world and young people are particularly at risk. In Scotland, deaths by suicide have fallen over the past decade but much remains to be done. Both in Scotland and in the Arctic, there is increasing recognition of the need for early prevention strategies that look at mental health challenges from a community perspective, offering local solutions and reflecting local circumstances. As well as improving access to clinical health services, encouraging local initiatives can have a critical role in improving mental wellbeing and developing “communities of care”.

The session will promote a discussion between Scottish and Arctic experts on how we can work together to tackle visible and invisible barriers to accessing mental health support, allowing people of all ages to receive the right help at the right time, no matter where they live.